Dr. Nisha Chellam is a Board certified Internist who is also board certified in Integrative and Holistic medicine. She believes that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age. Dr. Chellam practices functional medicine in Novi, Michigan where she incorporates Nutrition, Fitness, hormone balance, and permanent weight control. Every week, Dr. Nisha gives you tips on how to take control of your health because YOU are your best doctor.

Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Homeopathy is not Herbalism
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
Tuesday Oct 23, 2018
This week we discuss:
Guest Umangini Desai
What is Homeopathy Medicine
Myths about Homepathy
Conditions where Homepathy is most effective treatment
Importance of nutritiion while taking homepathic remedies
Side effects of Homeopathy remedies
Why traditional medicine practitioners should partner with Homeopathy
The Snake Venom remedy
Dr. Nisha Chellam is a Board certified Internist who is also board certified in Integrative and Holistic medicine. She believes that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age. Dr. Chellam practices functional medicine in Novi, Michigan where she incorporates Nutrition, Fitness, hormone balance, and permanent weight control. Every week, Dr. Nisha gives you tips on how to take control of your health because YOU are your best doctor.
Dr. Chellam’s best-selling book, “Transform Your Thyroid” teaches you how to overcome fatigue, depression, weight gain and more and is available on Amazon.com.

Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Understanding Your Wellness Journey
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
Wednesday Oct 17, 2018
This week we discuss:
The importance of “Your Story”
Triggering Events lead to Illness or Wellness
The difference between an Illness Doctor and a Wellness Doctor
Understanding Subjective Symptoms versus Objective Symptoms
Emotional events can impact your health
Stress and Mediators
Your Blue Print and how it affects your treatment
Tips to finding a health provider that’s right for you
Food Tip of the Week
Dr. Nisha Chellam is a Board certified Internist who is also board certified in Integrative and Holistic medicine. She believes that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age. Dr. Chellam practices functional medicine in Novi, Michigan where she incorporates Nutrition, Fitness, hormone balance, and permanent weight control. Every week, Dr. Nisha gives you tips on how to take control of your health because YOU are your best doctor.
Dr. Chellam’s best-selling book, “Transform Your Thyroid” teaches you how to overcome fatigue, depression, weight gain and more and is available on Amazon.com.

Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
The Right Testing for Thyroid Dysfunction
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
This week we discuss:
Common reasons for Thyroid testing
Symptoms come before abnormal blood tests
How your doctor reads your blood test
Asking your doctor the right questions about your blood test
How to know if your thyroid isn’t working
Our blood testing recommendations
Identifying root cause of your symptoms
Dr. Nisha Chellam is a Board certified Internist who is also board certified in Integrative and Holistic medicine. She believes that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age. Dr. Chellam practices functional medicine in Novi, Michigan where she incorporates Nutrition, Fitness, hormone balance, and permanent weight control. Every week, Dr. Nisha gives you tips on how to take control of your health because YOU are your best doctor.
Dr. Chellam’s best-selling book, “Transform Your Thyroid” teaches you how to overcome fatigue, depression, weight gain and more and is available on Amazon.com.

Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Meet the Real Doctors - Market Gardeners
Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
Wednesday Oct 03, 2018
This week we discuss:
Sustainable farming
Nutrient dense foods
Eco-systems of crops and how it affects the quality of your food
What your food really looks like
Difference between small farm foods & what you find in supermarkets
Key to growing your own food
Pay for your food instead of your health
Dr. Nisha Chellam is a Board certified Internist who is also board certified in Integrative and Holistic medicine. She believes that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age. Dr. Chellam practices functional medicine in Novi, Michigan where she incorporates Nutrition, Fitness, hormone balance, and permanent weight control. Every week, Dr. Nisha gives you tips on how to take control of your health because YOU are your best doctor.
Dr. Chellam’s best-selling book, “Transform Your Thyroid” teaches you how to overcome fatigue, depression, weight gain and more and is available on Amazon.com.

Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Transform Your Thyroid
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
This week we discuss:
Understanding your thyroid
Function of thryroid
4 causes of a failing thyroid
Symptoms of a low thyroid
What should I do if I think I have a thryroid issue
Treatment for your thyroid
Question & Answer
Dr. Nisha Chellam is a Board certified Internist who is also board certified in Integrative and Holistic medicine. She believes that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age. Dr. Chellam practices functional medicine in Novi, Michigan where she incorporates Nutrition, Fitness, hormone balance, and permanent weight control. Every week, Dr. Nisha gives you tips on how to take control of your health because YOU are your best doctor.
Dr. Chellam’s best-selling book, “Transform Your Thyroid” teaches you how to overcome fatigue, depression, weight gain and more and is available on Amazon.com.

Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Are your symptoms caused by Leaky Gut?
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
This week we discuss:
What is a Leaky Gut
How leaky gut became mainstream
Digestive process starts in the brain
Causes of inbalance in your gut
Symptoms that are assocaited of leaky gut
Why do some people have it and other don’t
Health risks associated with a leaky gut
Importance of looking at your gut health
Dr. Nisha Chellam is a Board certified Internist who is also board certified in Integrative and Holistic medicine. She believes that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age. Dr. Chellam practices functional medicine in Novi, Michigan where she incorporates Nutrition, Fitness, hormone balance, and permanent weight control. Every week, Dr. Nisha gives you tips on how to take control of your health because YOU are your best doctor.
Dr. Chellam’s best-selling book, “Transform Your Thyroid” teaches you how to overcome fatigue, depression, weight gain and more and is available on Amazon.com.

Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Should I Lose Weight?
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
This week we discuss:
Weight loss shouldn’t be a primary goal for improved health
Struggling with weight
Understanding the “WHY” of weigh gain
Causes of weight gain
Chronic inflamation, your gut health and stress
Understanding the impact of your hormones on your weight
Dr. Nisha Chellam is a Board certified Internist who is also board certified in Integrative and Holistic medicine. She believes that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age. Dr. Chellam practices functional medicine in Novi, Michigan where she incorporates Nutrition, Fitness, hormone balance, and permanent weight control. Every week, Dr. Nisha gives you tips on how to take control of your health because YOU are your best doctor.
Dr. Chellam’s best-selling book, “Transform Your Thyroid” teaches you how to overcome fatigue, depression, weight gain and more and is available on Amazon.com.

Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Sugar Sweet or Sour?
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
This week we discuss:
What I need to know about sugar
Do sugar cravings mean disease states
Breaking your addiction to sugar
Not all sugars are the same
Does your body need sugar
When should I be concerned about consuming too much sugar
Tips to prevent sugar cravings
Dr. Nisha Chellam is a Board certified Internist who is also board certified in Integrative and Holistic medicine. She believes that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age. Dr. Chellam practices functional medicine in Novi, Michigan where she incorporates Nutrition, Fitness, hormone balance, and permanent weight control. Every week, Dr. Nisha gives you tips on how to take control of your health because YOU are your best doctor.
Dr. Chellam’s best-selling book, “Transform Your Thyroid” teaches you how to overcome fatigue, depression, weight gain and more and is available on Amazon.com.

Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
This week we discuss:
Depression versus Grief
Why do people have depresssion?
The Highs & Lows of Sugar
What you can do to reduce instead of taking medication for your depression.
Should you take anti-depressants?
Dr. Nisha Chellam is a Board certified Internist who is also board certified in Integrative and Holistic medicine. She believes that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age. Dr. Chellam practices functional medicine in Novi, Michigan where she incorporates Nutrition, Fitness, hormone balance, and permanent weight control. Every week, Dr. Nisha gives you tips on how to take control of your health because YOU are your best doctor.
Dr. Chellam’s best-selling book, “Transform Your Thyroid” teaches you how to overcome fatigue, depression, weight gain and more and is available on Amazon.com.

Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Health Is Elusive
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
This week we discuss:
What it means to be healthy
Focusing on your heaIth it possible to stay healthy without focusing on how you feel?
The importance of every symptom you experience
The 5 reasons that prevents you from getting healthy
Disease is not inevitable, it’s a choice
Taking responsibility for your health
Question & Answer from the community
Dr. Nisha Chellam is a Board certified Internist who is also board certified in Integrative and Holistic medicine. She believes that diminished health and vitality can be reclaimed by just about any proactive person at any age. Dr. Chellam practices functional medicine in Novi, Michigan where she incorporates Nutrition, Fitness, hormone balance, and permanent weight control. Every week, Dr. Nisha gives you tips on how to take control of your health because YOU are your best doctor.
Dr. Chellam’s best-selling book, “Transform Your Thyroid” teaches you how to overcome fatigue, depression, weight gain and more and is available on Amazon.com.